Pet Care Products

Quality Pet Products
At Manley Animal Hospital, we believe that your pet is worthy of quality pet care products from brands you can trust. We stock a wide variety of products, including flea and tick control, shampoos and conditioners, leashes and collars, wound ointments, brushes, toothbrushes, heart-worm control, hairball remedies, stain and odor cleaners, and more! We only stock products that we would use on our own pets, so you can be sure that your pet is getting the highest quality products available.
Product Recomendations
Finding the right flea control medication, shampoo, or even collar, can be difficult, especially if your pet faces complications such as sensitive skin or allergies. Need help chosing the right product for your pet? We are always happy to help our patients and their pet parents find the right products for their needs. Contact us today to ask our vets a question, or set up an appointment for an in depth discussion.
In-House Pharmacy
We maintain a variety of medications in our in-house pharmacy for the treatment and prevention of diseases that may affect your pet.
Pet Nutrition
Nutrition is an important part of keeping pets healthy. If you have any questions or concerns about what type of food your pet should be eating, we are here for you.
Have a question?
We are here to answer your questions, and help you make the best choices possible for your pet. Contact us today to get more information about our pet care products.
Become a client.
We can't wait to meet you and your pet! We encourage all new clients to learn more about our policies and fill out a new client form before your visit.